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Jack Russell pup

20 11:27:19

Hi, sorry to bother you, but is there a way to stop my pup (8 months) from wanting to nip. Well it's not a real nip, just that she wants to be interactive with everyone and she is not backwards in coming forwards wiyh other dogs as well.

I would just love to stop her from this mouthing play thing

Hi Stephen

The JR's dogs are super hiper and must receive extra amounts of exercise to take the edge off daily a good long run or very brisk walk early mornings and evenings.

Take hold of her mussle and squeese it, look into her eyes and say a firm loud, NO NO STOP!  Or, grab some hair in each hand below the ears, shake her head back and forth while she had done this and say NO NO loudly and mean it.

U must take charge of these little raskels or they take charge of u and run the home. Or, u can also when she is busy nipping take a hand, put into her  mouth, top lip, curl under her upper teeth so she is biting herself, lift up on it so she feels the pain.  In other words, your taking her lip under her upper teeth, lift up so she bites herself, this will stop her quickly each time and scold her, do not ever hit a dog, just train her not to and be her BOSS AND LEADER TO LEARN RIGHT FROM WRONG.  When she does right pet and praise her, no treats, just a hug and love. Also, give her plenty of toys like hard flavored nylobones to chew on and hand one to her after u scold and teach her NO

Kind Regards
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