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How do I train my terriers?

20 11:27:16

I have a rat terrier (2years old) and terrier mixed (4 years old), both girls.  How can I easily housetrain them or at least get them to go in a litterbox rather than on my floor?  Also, the rat terrier has an annoying wimper, how can I get her to stop it.

One last question, I had my terrier mix fixed, but she continues to hump things occasionally.  Is this normal?

 Have you had both dogs since they were pups?  If so then what have you done so far for house training?  If you just acquired them then you need to get them their own crates and start ASAP in crate training them.  Feed them in their crates and have them sleep in there.  Anytime you can't watch them closely they should be in their crates till they can be trusted out.  When you let them out in the morning take them straight out and stand with them till they go potty.  Take them out one at a time.  That way you are sure who has done what.  ALWAYS do loads of praising when anything is done.  If they are allowed out keep them close by with a leash on them so they can't sneak off to pee somewhere.  

 As far as the whimpering you can tell her "quiet".  Say it with force. Praise when she is quiet. When she starts up again say NO QUIET.  ANY training you do must be CONSISTANT.  You can't tell them NO one minute and let them get away with it the next.  It might be just her way of "talking" to you.

 The "humping" is something she may always do.  Some of us enjoy a little romp now and again even though we are spayed.  I had a male who had been nuetered for quite some time and would tie with my bitch that would be in season.  Again tell her NO.  

 Hope this helps.  If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.  