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20 11:27:16

hi! any tips to keep my terrier pup from biting? she has several types of bones, rubber toys, and a large rope toy. she enjoys those but anytime we try to pet her she ends up getting scolded for hurting us, sometimes drawing blood. thanks for any advice.

hI Nicole

First u must stop the biting fleash for it gets worse and when older a bite of blood is good.

Grab hold of the hair on each side of its face below the ears, and shake its head back and forth and loudly, firmly say, NO NO.  Also u can grab a hunk of hair on back of neck and shake hard.   It will get the idea its no more baby.  Hand a toy and tell it, this u bite, not me nor anybody else, hear me?

they know the tone of your voice, body posture, mine do and they listen once taught, also u can squeeze it nose like the mommy does with her teeth to teach it also NO NO.

Kind Regards
visit my site, click on email if u have any more problems, I can help you.  Give the puppy something to do and tire it daily till it grows up.  They sleep alot of tired.  also, get a small RAW beef soup bone once a week for a treat to chew on