Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers

20 11:23:05

Our dog is 2 year old male and has started to bite people.  Some of these are people he knows and two others were strangers.  What can I do to change this?  Or should he be put to sleep?

Hi, This is such a frequent problem with our small breeds. Please do not put him to sleep. If you cannot resolve the problem using our methods, give him to a breed rescue. Our terriers are bred to hunt (as you may know), also they are very loyal to their moms. The chase thing is a way of getting your time and attention. As far as snipping at your other pets, it is up to you to correct him.  I would suggest that you both enroll in a good obedience class with other dogs (not a private class).  Where are you located?  If in FL, I can probably help you get into one of our classes.  He is simply being territorial. He needs to be socialized. Put him on a Halti collar (which is safe for small breeds) and get him out and about.  When he lunges at other dogs or people correct him and walk on.  The best thing you can do for him is get him in puppy kindergarten and then an obedience class and do all of your homework.  If you have any more problems after that, feel free to write me. Regards, Susan