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Jack is peeing on my husband

20 11:22:45

I have a 10 week old Jack Russell male pup. If my husband moves him off the bed he will pee on him. If he takes something from him that he should not chew, he will pee on something of his. why? and how do I fix it?

Sometimes puppies have a problem with holding their urine when  scolded,or just being happy to see you or being touched.  I am still going through that with a Dobie.  He is almost a year old and still does a happy pee.

As far as peeing on just your husbands things when he disciplines him......hmmmm thats not common at all.  Dogs don't have human emotions like we do.  We place a lot of emotions on them.....they don't hold grudges.  The next time he doesn't want him to chew on something....have something ready that you want him to chew on and replace it quickly. And don't forget to praise him when he starts to chew on is own toy.  Good Boy!!!!

I think its just as simple as bladder control.  He will grow out of it.
Hope this helps.