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born Nov 8, maltese westie X, male

20 11:23:40

we just got a puppy at Christmas,  he is young and usually quite good.  He gets into these temperaments where he growls, snaps, bites at feet & ankles.  We're new to the puppy life and not sure if he's playing or got a mean streak to him.  Any ideas?

Tammie -

The little guy is just barely old enough to be away from his momma, and the problem with that is that he will not get all the doggie socialization lessons he would normally get from her and his brothers & sisters.

This sure does NOT sound like a mean streak - he's playing !  A puppy who you would need to worry about the temperment of would be a very very shy or skittish kiddo.

You will need to teach him NO BITE right away or you will have him biting at you for a long time.  

First, you need to make sure to have several good quality chew toys of the rubbery kind.

Then, whenever he bites you, you gently but firmly take his muzzle in your hand (closed) and say No Bite.  Say it like you mean it, but don;t try to scare him or raise your voice... just firm.

Then take a toy and offer for him to play with that instead of your hands, ankles or feet.

This is only the very first lesson yoou are going to be needing. Please get a book on raising a puppy or join one of the online dog forums so you can get feedback from lots of people.

The 3 things I always emphasize to people:

1.  Neuter him - it will help curtail any potential problems in behavior AND help him live longer

2.  Feed very good quality food. I recommend one of the super premium brands which are not available in grocery stores. The small difference in cost for a dog this size will be made up for in good health.

3.  Please take him to obedience school. Find the classes now, and then you will already be ready when he's old enough.

Good luck, and enjoy the little character
