Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > irish wolfhound/airedale terrier

irish wolfhound/airedale terrier

20 11:20:57

i have a Airedale terrier/Irish wolfhound. he is one year old today. He humps
every thing.should i discourage this? or what.

Jacob -

That sounds like a very interesting combination of breeds !

That behavior is largely related to issues of dominance. Yes, you can discourage him without hurting his personality. Often something as simple as a spray bottle will stop him, but one of these would probably work as well. They do not cause any pain - just a cue to interrupt a behavior:

They also work great for housebreaking issues.

The other issue is to make sure he's neutered. It takes about 6 months for his hormone levels to drop though, so it will not instantaneously solve the problem.

Enjoy your baby boy !
