Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Fearful Rat Terrier

Fearful Rat Terrier

20 11:22:29

My rat terrier is extremely fearful of humans.  I'm the only person who can touch her or put a leash on her.   She is now 2 yrs, was raised in a puppymill, rescued fostered and I adopted her about 6 months ago.  With extreme patience, lots of long daily walks in my busy neighborhood to build confidence, friends and dogs visiting our home, she is loving and very affectionate to me,  obedient, energetic and never aggressive.   I tried introducing a pet sitter so I can go away for a weekend or eventually a vacation.  She met the pet sitter about 6 times in our home with me present.  Then, the dog sitter came when I was at work, My dog peed and pooped on the floor from fright on two separate incidences (never soiled in my home, house trained her in the first week no problem)  Runs and hides, can't get a leash on her. Do you think I should continue with the pet sitter or do you think bringing her to a daycare/boarding place near my home would be a better idea. Is is possible that it is more frightening to have someone "invade" her home, versus going to a strange place.  Please note I take her to peoples homes, visit other dogs, walk with small groups of other dogs or one on one, I have exposed her to alot, she tolerates but never totally participates.  I have had her for 6 months. Your expert advice appreciated.


Unfortunately, rat terriers are, by temperment anyway, more like the toy breeds than the terrier breeds.  Not many of them are exactly the brave fiesty dogs that one thinks of as a terrier.

Despite her behavior, I have to think that minimizing the amount of change while you're not home would be the best way to deal with a vacation.  Changing both people and setting seems like it would be twice (or more) as stressful.

Perhaps you can babygate her into one portion of the house - like the kitchen or bathroom - so she's home but a little easier to catch for the sitter (since the chase is also stressful).

Another thought is to get her used to dragging a leash all the time in the house.  That way the sitter can catch her easier.

Poor bug. I have fostered a number of extremely fearful mill breeder dogs, so I know what you're going through.
