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Eating Habbits

20 11:22:59

Hi, my dog is a mini jack Russell who is almost 4 months old and we have had him for just over 2 months. He is lovely and is pretty much house trained, but I've noticed in the last week after he as done a poo he will eat it and you cannot distract him from it at all. Also we gave him a lamb bone the other day, a friend got up and walked out the room and the dog nearly bit him and was making very strange, horrible noises which made us all a bit scared! Can you help? Thanks

 There is a dry mix that you can buy at a pet store that you can mix in his food that will discourage him from eating it. Also you can put him on a leash when you take him out.

 As far as being possesive of his bone at his age is NOT GOOD.  Now you need to start taking things away from him.  When you feed him you should be able to put your hand in his bowl, take things from his mouth by opening it up. A verbal correction ie: NO should get his attention when he shows like he is going to bite when taking things from him.  He is trying to let you know HE is in charge.  NOT......You are to be the one in charge not him.  If he needs a little stronger correction you may have to resort to a choke chain with a leash and set him up to be used. Don't let this little dog    run or eventually ruin your life.  First its a bone......Next  it will be HIS couch and you will not be able to move him for fear of being bit.  You are in CHARGE!!!  Don't let him forget that.

Good Luck