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running away

20 11:24:11

I have a gorgeous 1 year old wire fox terrier (she has been speyed). We seem to be able to pretty much take her anywhere, as most of the time, she is well behaved. We can let her off the lead and she will come when asked to do so, apart from the odd time she escapes the house into our cul-de-sac! She will not listen to instruction and runs off barking. Following her makes her wander further as does leaving her (not really a safe option anyway due to cars). We are terrified she will get knocked over!!!!This behaviour is partly to having neighbours who do not like dogs but love there open front lawns so she was never allowed of the lead in our street from being tiny incase she soiled or wet on peoples gardens.

Hi Karen,
 When you let her off lead at the park does she come right away or take her time?  And further more do you treat her when she does come?  You can work with her in front of your house with a long line.  Call her to you and if she doesn't come on the first call you need to reel her in and keep saying come come come till she gets to you and you treat her.  5 mins a day doing this will help tremendously.  
 Also when you open the door make her sit, stay.  Put her lead on and tell her to "break" (which is a release word that it is ok to move).  Praise her with a treat.  My smooth fox terrier will sit when ever I open the door and he never knows when I will tell him to break.  
 I totally LOVE my smooth, but when I got him at 10 weeks old I was told by many fox terrier people they don't even have a brain till they are 18 months old.  LOL  I didnt believe them.  Well, its pretty much true.  This dog keeps me in stiches all the time and he is 3, will be 4 in Oct.  
 Find a Rally Obedience class by your house and its fun and different to do with your dog.  Doing something with them you really can connect with them on a different level.  I knew Rally exsisted but didn't get a chance to do it till about a month ago and its fun.  The first level, Novice is done on lead and the next levels are done off lead.  Its not the typical sit, stay , down , come in a boring obedience class.  
 Another thing yu can do depending on your area is look on line at and put in earthdog.  Thats something else that you can do with your dog.  Gives them a job to do that is safe and you get to know other terrier owners.
 Hopes this helps a bit.  
Any questions don't hesitate to email.
Good luck,