Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Re: Small Lump on Yorkshire Terriers Stomach

Re: Small Lump on Yorkshire Terriers Stomach

20 11:24:12


I have a 3 year old female Yorkshire Terrier that has a small lump mid belly ( a few inches past her rib cage). It's about .5-1" in width. It's not too hard but definitely noticeable to the touch. There is a tiny bit of discoloration (brown) around the area. Is it serious?

Thanks so much!

Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you. You never know with lumps, it could just be a cyst but you never want to take chances. the best bet is to take him to the vet to get checked out. if the vet is suspicious he will take ex rays to determine the prognosis. its better safe then sorry

Miss petxpert