Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > shared custody of a pit bull

shared custody of a pit bull

20 11:26:41

Hi my I have a pit bull/ sharpei mix who is 2 yrs old named sadie.she is the absolute joy of my life and my best friend.  my boyfriend and I adopted her at 8 weeks old and have raised her in a happy secure environment ever since. My boyfriend and I have lived together the whole time as well. Due to recent events I may be moving. we will be in the same town close to eachother.  We decided it will be best if we share custody of sadie.l my question is...will this be stressful on her? Will she be hurt that we are not all together under the same roof anymore? will it be better if she only has a permenant home with one of us? she is a very well adjusted dog who is comfortable everywhere and with everyone but I'm just afraid that not having mommy and daddy the way she is used to may be too stressful on her.  please let me know what you think.

Hi Amy,
Sorry for taking so long to answer u, but my e-mail was giving problems. It is so nice to hear that there is people like u that really care about your dogs :) To answer your question no i don't think that the separation will place stress on your dog. Remember dogs as much as we (me included) think of them and treat them as part of our family they sadly will always remain a animal and what applies to us do not nessasary apply to them. If we look at pain for one example .... dogs do not perceive pain the way we do their pain tollerance is much higher than a human and allthough she will notice a change in the daily routine and will fret she will get used to it with time ... she may still wait at the gate (just a example) for the other person to return home at a certain time but will get to except that the person will not be returning. The good thing is that she will still have someone that gives her loads of attension and love :) Sooooo i think she will get over it with lots of tlc and will remain a happy dog :)
I hope u feel better now and give her a hug from me :)
have a fab 2005 !