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aggresive behavour

20 11:26:51

Hi, I used to have 2 dogs, a pomeranian and a jack russell terrier (Toby). Both are male. Then, I bought a wired hair jack russell terrier puppy (Harry) which is also a male. Everthing was fine at first but after a year, both jack russells started to fight.At first, they will only fight when I play with Harry and not Toby. Toby was probably jealous when I play with Harry but things got worse. They began to fight even when I am not around. I had a hard time separating them when they fight. Now, I have to tie them up everyday so that they won't hurt each other, I've been adviced to give one away but I love them both. So, what should I do? Please help.  

Hi Sarah,
 Sorry to hear that you are having problems.  You didn't say if they were neutered or not.  Either way that makes no difference.  I have had fighting dogs before.  If you are not willing to find one a new home then you HAVE to keep them separate or otherwise you will come home to one dead or they may even turn on the pom.  I feel once there is a problem like that in the house hold its too hard for the average pet owner to take care of.  Just think that while one is outside one is inside.......or if one is running the house then the other must be crated.  Tieing them up is not the solution.  What if one tangles themselves and then you have a dead dog or if they chew throw the lead and kill the other tied up?  Not a pretty sight.  
 I am not being cruel here, but if you truely love them both you must find one a home.  Its way more headache than it is worth to keep them separate.  I totally understand.  I have been where you are right now.  My life with my Dobie(F), Smooth Fox Terrier(M), Bedlington Terrier (F), Mini Schnauzer (F) has been great.  They get crated when I leave for other issues (not fighting) and all let out when I am there.  They all run together and it has been heaven not having any fights.  I got rid of the one that was causing the fights.  Believe me it is worth not going to the hospital to have a dog sewn up or worse yourself.
If you have any more questions.  Please feel free to email me.