Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > what is a staff terrier

what is a staff terrier

20 11:20:41

I received an alert this evening about a Staff Terrier that is about to be
euthanized and is looking for rescue. What is a Staff Terrier? How large are
they. I am a single, 58 year-old man who works and is gone from home
during work hours and some in the evenings as well. Would this dog do well
by himself? Will he be a friend, companion, etc? Will he be affectionate and
like to cuddle with his person? I also have a female cat. How will the dog do
with a cat? Please help me with information. Thanks.

Sorry........My computer has been down and I am on my friends computer. Staffies are nice dogs.  Great companions.  But as you know like people they can all have dislikes and likes.  Its up the individual dog if he likes or dislikes cats or cuddling.  

You can go to and read further on the breed.

Good Luck,
