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Jenny Craig??

20 11:18:21

I have a freakishly fat jrt how can I whip her crazy hiney into shape??:)

Kait- if you are serious, then you need to get serious about diet and exercise.  First see your vet- this is really more of medically related question, but I can tell you that female terriers also get hypo thyroid related problems one of which is weight gain. Have that checked.
Then start measuring her food and feeding her small meals more frequently but don't feed the recommended amount on bags because that is way too much. Think of her stomach as the size of a small handball.
Add warm water to the food to extend it but NO more that 3/4 of a cup in total for the day preferably grain free dog food.
start there and make a commitment to stick to this and please have the vet check her.
Obese dogs can't live long and healthy lives.
good luck