Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Eyesight


20 11:21:54

Hi. We recently purchased a Toy Rat Terrier. He is very feisty and fun although he is only 6 weeks old. My question is this. How long does it take for puppies to develop their full eyesight? Our puppy can see movement it seems quite clearly, but if we are stationary and call him, he seems to be having trouble locating us unless we continually call him and then he can finally catch wind of us. Is this normal for his age, and will his eyesight improve. We are pretty concerned, because this is something neither I or my boyfriend have experienced before?

At 6 weeks, he is very much still a baby. Most vets would not recommend that he even be away from his mother yet, and that age is even illegal in some states.

That said, I would not worry about his response quite yet. I would ask the vet to double check for trouble when you have him in for his next round of puppy shots and worming.

Best wishes, and enjoy !
