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lizzy my rat terrier 8 yrs old female

20 11:18:56

i took lizzy to get her nails clipped 3 out of 4 paws were done ok the last on she started to freak out a little so we had to muzzle her. then we brought her home we went out for a while when we returned she was not herself she is very lazy she wont eat and is barely drinking. she will only walk for a second then she is lying down or she wont even get out of bed. i have noticed a little bump on her but by her tail. i have touched it and no yelp but when she is lying down she does have the shakes. she has runny eyes. could this only be stress due to the nail clipping.


I find it hard to believe that this much weird behavior is because of getting Izzy's nails trimmed. Even if they had accidentally clipped them a little too short and they bled, they should not still be bothering her.

If she's not acting better in the morning I would recommend a trip to the vet - or at least a phone call to the vet - to make sure you stay on top of it.

Rat terriers are more high strung than most terrier breeds, but I still can't imagine this being about getting nails trimmed.

Let me know how you make out
