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which terrier breed is friendliest

20 11:20:52

HI...I'm wanting to get a small to medium sized dog that likes daily walks, meeting people, doesn't bark/yap, doesn't have a lot of grooming requirements, can get along with a cat, and is generally good natured.  I had a female cairn many years ago and she was a terrific dog.  I have two neighbors with male cairns and neither is very friendly.  Can you advise me on terriers with the temperament I'm seeking and offer advice on gender traits.  Thanks, Merrie

Merrie -

As a cairn lover I still have to be honest with you.  Cairns, and most other terrier breeds, come in a wide variety of temperments, but there are some distinct tendencies.

Terriers are often territorial, have strong prey instinct, fiesty, independent - yet at the same time smart as the dickens and very faithful to their families.

Here is a link to the best description of cairns (and many other terriers) that I have ever read:

Many of the characteristics you want are present in many cairns, westies, border terriers, etc, but the more challenging temperments are also present in many.

The things to consider in your decision are making sure you meet the parents (since many personality traits are genetic, and then many others taught by the mother before the pup is weaned), making sure you spay/neuter and making sure you use a positive, but well structured training program (I encourage classes).

Socialization cannot be over-emphasized as well and I suspect your neighbors' dogs were not well socialized since puppyhood, are intact, or are pet store puppies (or any combination thereof).

Never ever buy from a pet store. No matter what they try to tell you, 99% of their puppies come from puppymills (commercial breeding facilities that are inhumane and indiscriminate).  I keep meaning to get a bumper sticker I once saw - Don't Buy The Lie.

If you want a terrier who is very likely to **not** have any of the terrier characteristics, yorkies are about the only option that I can think of offhand.
