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rat terrier puppy

20 11:22:50

My 3 month old recently purchased rat terrier puppy has diarrhea. I have also notice some blood in the stool. I have been given him the anti- diarrhea medicine provided by the pet store. He is active eating, playing, and running what could be wrong?

Hi Lana, Coccidiosis and Giardia are two internal parasites that can cause diarrhea and bloody stools, can dehydrate and eventually kill a puppy. There are also many bacterial and viral conditions that can be dangerous to a puppy that young. Our little terriers can crash very quickly! Did you buy him at a pet store? Take him to a local veterinarian, and develop a relationship there. Have him checked out completely and please do so quickly. If a Toy Fox or Rat Terrier gets dehydrated, we can lose them so quickly that you would not believe it. Do not take this lightly. Please get him help from a good professional veterinarian right away. Hope this helps. Leave me some feedback, a nomination (if you please), and follow-up to keep me posted of your progress. I am looking forward to hearing about your successes with him. He will be in my prayers. Thank you. Regards, Susan