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Older Terrier Housetraining

20 11:24:08

Hi Kerri.  My dad & I just rescued a one year old terrier mix named Dammit.  Dammit is a great dog, but I'm getting frustrated in trying to housetrain him.  He doesn't "go" in the house, but in order for him to pee or poop he needs to be taken on really long walks.  Is there a way we can train him to go in our backyard (we don't have a fence.) I bought a crate to try and train him, but it still does no good.  Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated!  Thank you.  

Hehe great name!

Ok this is a simple if, initially, a time consuming problem to fix.  

Ok when you take him out in the moring (or any time you are *sure* he needs to go) Have a really yummy dog cookie in your pocket.  Make sure he doesn't see you put it in there.

Now go stand out in your back yard, where you want him to 'go'.  Don't talk to him or interact with him in any way.  If after 10 min he doesn't go.  Bring him in and put him in his crate. 1/2 an hour later take him back out again.  

As soon as he does go, give him the cookie, do a happy dance and take him for his walk.  Soon he will learn that great things happen when he 'goes' in the yard.  Then he will go immediatly when you take him to 'his' spot.
