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carin terrier

20 11:23:17

Male, 11 months old, carin terrier. Is he supposed to get shaved in the summer time. We are in North Carolina along the coast.  How to get him to stay in the yard. Pretty good about this except when something catches his eye, he won't come when called to come back.

Becky  -

Your cairn is entering the teenaged stage, so it is vital that you work extra hard on obedience.  That being said, I want you to read this and make sure every person in your family who can read does so as well:

Toto - The other side of the story

I NEVER leave a cairn off leash outside of a secure fence. I also do not use invisible fencing because the prey instinct of a cairn will make him be willing to get the shock to get out. but not to come home again (leaving you with a stray dog).

I would strongly recommend an obedience class - this gives you the best ways to learn to handle your dog in a hands-on way.

As to grooming, the preferred method is NOT to clip them. Clipping them makes their coat become soft and not the wiry coat they are supposed to have.  Here is a web page that talks all about it, but makes it seem harder than it is.

There is a fabulous tool called a Mars Coat King that you just comb through their hair and it takes all the long dead hairs out without ruining the overall stiffness.  It makes keeping a proper coat on a cairn very easy.

Let me know how you make out.

Col Potter Cairn Rescue Network