Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > excitable/scared urination

excitable/scared urination

20 11:22:17

QUESTION: I have a 1 y/o rat terrier who I got at 6mo.  He had not had a day of training in his life.  Housebreaking has been a nightmare!  I took him to obedience school, and he did great with everything there (sit, stay, come, etc).  However, he still has to wear a diaper in the house.  He seems to be getting better.  I had him in the living room for 4 hours the other day with no problem.  However, he then chewed on something he was not supposed to.  I said "No" in a firm voice, and he stopped...and peed.  He didn't seem to know it, and it was just a couple dribble spots.  He does this when over-excited also (and he is a VERY happy/excited dog - TONS of energy).  I have read that this type of uncontrolled urination is something the "grow out of", but at what age should he be done with that?  He had a UTI when I got him, which ended up being why he peed everywhere, but that is cleared up.  Also, he will be doing well for awhile (able to have the diaper off in the crate and some in the main part of the house), but, just when I feel he's doing well, he will poop.  My fiance is at his wit's end with the dog, and it is causing us problems.  When should he be done with the uncontrollable stuff?

ANSWER: Sara -

I have to give you a caveat at the beginning of my answer - Rat terriers, despite their name, are much more like the toy breeds in temperment.  They are anxious, and easily overexcited.

He is submissive peeing, but you need to rule out a UTI again before knowing for sure it's behavioral.  There are things you can do about submissive peeing... Like when he comes to you and asks for pets or to be picked up, wait a few seconds before reaching for him - ideally have him sit for a few seconds.  He's getting so worked up that his brain is just way overstimulated.  If you make him sit and wait just 10 seconds, he has time to gather his wits about him.

I also suspect he needs quite a bit more time outside... Not just a quick trip outside til he potties a few times a day. he needs at least one 20 minute walk each day. It will help control the energy.

You also need to consider pooping as separate from urinating. I know in my house, a pooping mistake is usually my own fault for not taking the dog out about 15 minutes after I fed them.

He's peeing in his crate ?  Again, I would have him checked again by the vet.

I think your main things will be to get him vet checked and also to help him control his excitement/stimulation so he does not do the peeing thing.

Beyond these tips, I would recommend trying to get into a schedule that permits him plenty of opportunities to do the right thing.  If you have a dog who is not well housebroken, 4 hours without a trip outside is simply too long. When I get a new foster, we go out every hour, and I gradually reduce it to every couple of hours. The only time any of them go longer than that is when they are crated overnight and crated when I'm away at work.

Good luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He does not pee in the crate anymore.  I get the part about making him wait for attention.  What about when he has to be corrected?  He pees a bit when he gets caught doing something wrong (I say "No!", and he stops but dribbles pee).  I will get him checked, but I am almost certain it's not a UTI again (he doesn't have the odor anymore or peeing while running - only when excited or in trouble).  How old should he be to be considered grown out of that stuff?


I'm not sure he will grow out of submissive peeing when you correct him.  You may want to try something more indirect, like a spray bottle.  Most dogs get the hint that they are not acting right if given a little spritz from across the room, but without the reaction that you're trying to dominate them.
