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obedience/ tomato juice

20 11:18:55

how do i get my fox terrier to stop begging for table food?
and to respond to the word no and drop? is it true that tomato juice will help his urine to not damage my grass and plants?

Warn anyone at the table NOT to feed the dog.  If your dog knows "down stay" them put the dog on a down.  Ignore him if he comes to the table.  Gently get up and put him in another down.  

As far as drop....the dog must understand the word.  Take the item from the dog and say drop at the sametime.  You will need to do this many times till he understands.  I use the words "leave it"  before he picks up anything he shouldn't.

I am not sure about the tomato juice....Been in dogs for over 30 years and this ones new to me.

Let me know if you find out or maybe I will just try it..

Good luck,