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cairn terrier and cats?

20 11:18:53

Hi! A couple of weeks ago I found a female Cairn terrier abandoned on a crossroad. I have a small apartment, so I tried to give her away, however I didn't found anyone who was interested or had better conditions than mine so I decided to keep her. She is extremely sweet, clever and sociable with people and other dogs so I getting very fond of her. My problem is that I spend many hours outside as I work and study and have no one who can give me a hand. Even though I manage to take her (I live in an apartment but close to the nature and the beach) for walks of about 30 minutes or 1 hour twice a day. She is just a puppy, I dont know exactly but just yesterday she lost two teeth while the new ones are coming out. I don't have enough room for another dog (as she loves playing with other dogs), neither have friends who have dogs, so I'm thinking of getting a baby cat. Do you think it would be a good companion? Do you think they can be friends as both are so young?
Thank you for your help as I feel sorry for leaving her alone.

Letitia -

Have you had her scanned for a microchip ?  Many people chip their dogs these days.

Cairns are often not good with cats. They often have a strong prey instinct and cats, unfortunately, are fast and sneaky.  I would try to take your puppy near someone else's cat before getting one of your own. You may also want to consider an adult cat since it would be better able to protect itself if the dog gets a dumb idea.

Cairns do well in small apartments, and you sound like a loving mom for this girl.
