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family dog

20 11:19:04

I am looking at getting a family dog. I have two children age 10 and 6. I would like a small dog, that dosen't shed alot and is good with children. I would like it to be somewhat energetic and trainable (able to housebreak, sit, stay nothing complicated). I have been considering a border terrier. I wondered if you could give your oponion if that would be a good fit or what breed might be.
Thank You

Christy -

This may sound weird coming from a terrier lover, but I do not generally recommend the hard core terrier breeds for families that are new to dogs.

Borders, cairns, welch, fox, parsons/jack russells, and the like have retained enough of the independent will and fiestiness that they can be tough dogs for beginners.

Some of the softer tempermented terriers are usually better choices - such as schnauzers, boston, and westies.  All of these breeds are very smart, very trainable, a great size for kids, but without the same "edge" that the previous list has.

Of course each individual dog is different, but these are good general rules of thumb.

PLEASE do not buy from anyone selling more than one breed of dog, or worse yet, from a pet store. Please make sure to visit where they were raised, meet the mother and make sure they are from AKC stock (not any of the other registries).  Doing this helps ensure that you are getting a dog from someone who cares about their breed and is not trying to cut corners or get away with anything.

Let me know what you choose !
