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Boston/JRT mix

20 11:19:04

I just brought home an 8 wk old puppy that is a mix of the two. I have 2 cats and a 3 year old male Aussie/Golden mix. Everyone is fixed (except puppy so far-but he will be)So far he's integrated pretty well except he chases the cats. They are terrified of him although they love my older dog. How can I get him to "socialize" with them properly? Also, aside from the typical terrier traits that I'm expecting, what can I expect? I've read about Boston's and JRT's. His mom was a very laid back/calm JRT. I actually got first pick of the litter, I made sure I didn't get the loud brassy one, or the really shy scared one. He was kind of the middle pup of the litter. I wanted a pup that I could do agility with someday. He's VERY smart too. He is almost potty trained after 2 days. He will stop playing and run across the house to his pee pads when needed. We are crate training him right now (much to his dismay at times). I'm just trying to be prepared, I haven't been able to find much online about this particular mix and want to do everything right with him! Thanks!

Jennifer -

OMG - that has to be a simply adorable mix !  I would expect a lot of brains, a lot of confidence and a lot of energy (though not necessarily hyper).

I'm not surprised by the cat thing since he is a terrier after all.  You will need to do some introduction sessions - I would make sure he's hungry, then take a few tiny pieces of cheese, holding him on your lap, have someone bring the cat into the room. Say his name and when he looks away from the cat to you, praise and give a piece.  Have the person with the cat take another step closer and do the same thing. You can use an interruptive noise if he starts getting all excited about the cat and won't look at you.  In my house it's Ack Ack Ack.... then ask for the look at you.

I would do this a couple of times a day until he gets the message.

The other thing that is likely is that a cat will get sick of him and cuff him one, and that may solve the problem right off the bat.

Good luck with the new baby !
