Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > does not like new puppy

does not like new puppy

20 11:19:59

My 8 year old rat terrier Petey just does not like our new puppy who is 8 weeks old and is a golden retriever. When I take Petey on walks he always wants to play with other dogs. He starts whining as soon as he sees them. When we brought the puppy home, I was really shocked to hear Petey growl and snarl at him. He hasnt bitten him. Petey is such a happy go lucky little guy, although he sometimes acts like one huge raw nerve, I am shocked amazed that he justs doesnt want the puppy around. How long does it usually take for rat terriers to get used to other dogs in the household. If Petey doesn't accept him soon, I guess we will have to find the puppy another home, since Pete is our first boy. The puppy is also a boy, Pete has been fixed. Please help

Vic -

I'm not completely surprised that Petey is not impressed with the puppy. Golden puppies are big and klutzy.  It's also Petey's job to make the puppy stay in line.

I can't really tell from your description if he wants to rip the puppy limb from limb or is trying to assert himself as the alpha dog. To some extent, it's Petey's job to take over where the puppy's mommy left off. Eight weeks is still pretty young to be away from the momma and he does not have good manners yet. Just think, the pup's mother would be bossing him around too.

I would give it more time.  If things don't settle down within a month of bringing the baby home, then you might have to consider alternatives.

In the meantime, you need to make it clear to Petey that while he is still "top dog" he is expected to behave.  I would feed Petey first, but make sure he doesn;t get to steal from the pup.  You should always pet Petey first, but make sure he understands he is to let you then pet the puppy.  See what I mean ?  Petey needs to have his confidence reinforced, but also be expected to maintain some manners.

Good luck and let me know how you make out !
