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JRT Puppy biting

20 11:24:04

I have a JRT puppy 8 months old. He was neutered in June. He went crazy when the vet tried to remove the stitches and bit the tech. He has been fine since then but does not like nail clippers. We were gone last week on vacation and he was in the yard with an invisible fence and in the house with our other JRT 2 years(his Mom) who is now fixed, and a 4 yr old neutered lab. He bit 3 people who came into the yard on the calf. He is a very sweet and loving puppy and great with the kids he just seems to be very territorial. What can I do, I am willing to do what every I can to cure this behavior..Please advise


I am going to need more info.

What was your socialization period like with this puppy?  Did you attend a puppy class or puppy play group?  Have you talked to the breeder about this behaviour (some lines seem to be more reactive than others)

What sort of training have you done about nipping and biting, even in play?  When he did bite, did he draw blood?
