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Unruly Rats

20 11:23:15

I see you've answered a previous rat terrier question. I have two toy rats a male and female, one if the mother. Female is spayed aged three, male is age two and has not been neutered. They are extremely frightend of small children and even babies. I try and introduce them to children in a calm, confident manner, but they turn vicious and hide. I try holding them and letting a child pet, but they recoil and bark furiously. Many of my friends have babies, toddlers, and even infants. I want to be able to have them over and keep my dogs from wigging out. How can I stop their wild behavior?? Thanks!!

Sorry to hear about your problem.  Unfortunately there really isn't anything to do with them.  Mostly it is a breeding fault and early socialization.
To keep them from wigging out you need to crate them in another room when the kids are around.  Don't let the kids go in there and torment them. OR contact a trainer that can be a  facilitor when between you, the dogs and the kids.  Hands on is the best thing to do.  That way they can see how you handle the dogs and how the kids are handling the dogs.

I hope that helped some......
Good Luck,