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Diff between Jack Russell and Mini Foxy

20 11:21:37

We recently got an 8 week old, well we thought a mini foxy terrier. But on it's immunisation card it states the breed as Jack Russell. What are the main differences so we know exactly what type of terrier it is?
Thanks, Fiona.

Fiona -

Well, technically, there is no such breed as a miniature fox terrier, while there is a toy fox terrier.

I suspect you got registration papers from a group other than the AKC ??  If so, you need to know that the breeds they often claim just do not exist - they register things like cockapoos which are a purposeful breeding of a mix.

There are some physical differences between a fox of any size and a jack russell. Jacks are more sturdy looking, they have slightly shorter noses. But they do come in a wide variety of sizes. From the small ones (called puddin's) that have short legs to the larger ones who can be as much as 15" tall. My jack is 15" tall and weighs nearly 30 lbs.  

Temperament wise, there should be little difference - both breeds are smart as heck, have a high energy level and a very strong prey drive (to hunt and kill - which can include cats if not exposed to them as puppies).

If you got a toy fox, their temperaments are more like the other toy breeds and they can be nervous and high strung rather than the strong, forward temperaments of foxes and jacks.

Training and socialization are essential factors of raising any of these breeds.  You need to get them out and about as much as possible so they don;t end up trying to protect you from the world.  Training is also important because they have strong wills and need help to understand their role in life. I encourage you to take your baby to puppy class as soon as he's old enough and then a beginner class again when he's old enough for that.

Either way you should have a blast with this pup.
