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Rescue Terrier Cross or Carin Terrier

20 11:19:23

I am interested in adopting a 4mo old Terrier Cross and am worried about how hard it will be to crate train her. Also she will need to be potty trained inside (w/outside only when we are home) I have been told about litter training but that it is hard to do if you don't start right away. My last question is about their temperment? I have always been told any Terriers are very hyper. Please help us as we really want to save this puppy but are nervous w/what we are reading about them online! Thanks so much!

At her age she shouldn't be hard to crate train OR potty train.  The key is just be consistent.  
As far as being hyper.....terriers have a bad rap.  I have 2 Bedlingtons, 2 Fox terriers, 1 Schnauzer, 1 Pit bull and 1 Cesky Terrier here right now and NONE of them are hyper.  They all have their own "zoomie" time when I get home but settle quickly.  I think its all in how you channel their energy. Most of them are the biggest couch potatoes.  

I enjoy terriers....they do have a certain "fire" about them that no other breeds have.

Give her a job that you two can do together.  Obedience is a nice thing or even agility.  Both are activities that can bring you both closer together and it gives her a "job".  All dogs need a job.  

Good luck with her......
