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wheather question

20 11:22:13

Hello Beth,
I have a allmost 5 months old Cairn and we love to go to the beach every day. Up till now the wheather has been absolutely fantastic but now the wheather forecast is: "rain and much colder". Since my Cairn never complains, I am not sure whether I can take him to the beach when it rains, not too heavenly of course.
I am afraid he will be bored silly if I keep him in my apartment because of the wheather. He loves fun and I believe the beach stimulates his senses.
Thank you in advance for your answer,


Take him !!  These little characters were bred in Scotland where it's cold and rainy a lot. As long as you don't ever shave him, his coat should be coarse and pretty water repellant once he gets a little older.

You're right - the exercise and stimulation is excellent for him !

Enjoy - You're an excellent mommy
