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Rat Terrier well being with tumor

20 11:18:18

I have recently acquired a rat terror from my grandparents who are currently in the hospital her name is lady and we questimate she is around 22 and a half since they got her right before my cousin Matt was born who is now 22. She has a tumor on her leg it sometime causes her pain when we pick her up other wise she is happy to sleep and play games and loves to be pet besides her hearing which is sort of on the bad side she is still going strong and happy. the problem is we don't know what to do about the tumor in her leg any advice?

22??????????? That dog has long outlived the law of averages.
This is a medical question more than anything else so I am not qualified to tell you anything other than you should consult a vet.
Seriously, your dog is very old and should not be subjected to pain nor radical surgery  at this stage.
speak with a vet about pain medication which may help her be more comfortable.
good luck