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housebreaking 10wk puppy

20 11:24:18

I have a 10wk old female jack russell and i am having the hardest time house training her.  I did have her bed in my room, but i couldnt control where she would use it at, so i put her in a smaller bathroom. She has her bed in one corner, food along the other wall and i put paper down far away from her bed and food.  When she comes out into my room i put paper down and say Mia, "potty on the paper" and she still uses the carpet!! I am going crazy and getting very upset with her, which i dont mean to but you would think she would use the paper in my room since she uses it in the other room...PLEASE HELP ME!! I have only had her 3 wks and I already want to put an ad in the paper..HELP!!!!!!

 You have the right idea as putting her in a smaller place. BUT you need to go even smaller yet.  Its called a crate. I can not express the importance of a crate.  You need to put her in it during the day as well.  When you can't watch her closely.  Even when you can watch her make sure that she is on a leash close to you so she can't wonder off and do a job in another room.  Make sure that you get a crate that will fit her when she is bigger.  Don't make the mistake of getting one WAY to big for her that she will do her business in one corner and sleep in the other.  Bring her to a PetCo or Petsmart and have one of sales persons help you pick one out.
 Also feed her in the crate.  These are dening animals and small spaces will not bother her. All I can say is DON'T give into her if she crys a bit.  She will be training YOU instead of the other way around.  Its OK Mom to say NO.  It won't kill her.  :)
 If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to email.