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female airedale

20 11:18:23

Our female airedale gave birth to nine puppy's on march 29th 2011.She had the puppy's at our home. Since then all of the puppies have gone to there new homes. A few days ago I have been noticing her diverting back to her old ways. Biting,and most of all attacking me. I think she is rebelling against me because I took care of her babies for 6.6 weeks and now they are all gone. Does that make sense to you. She is going in june 16th to be fixed. Hopefully you can answer this question. My husband and I LOVE HER DEARLY
                            THANK YOU

Why did you remove the puppies so early???????? It is barely 8 weeks! Could be she feels a major resentment at you for having taken her pups. I find that very disconcerting and quite questionable. No wonder she is acting out.
Did you think that because she had puppies it would change her behavior? If that is what she was like before - that is what she will be like after. I doubt neutering will have any effect whatsoever..
I just hope the puppies don't have any major trauma from being whelped so early or as a responsible breeder you would have to either take them back or rehome them. Airedales have big personalities. Not suitable for many homesYou have some damage control to do - speak with the Airedale club in your area.
Trying giving her some stuffed animals to comfort her.