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Paco - the Cairn

20 11:21:57

Sometimes I sit before my computer for hours to read all your fantastic answers, specially on Cairns but I have a huge problem.....I live in Portugal, where there are no puppy classes,no daycare centres, no obedience training I care to attend and no behaviorists who can help with those small problems a doglover can encounter. Paco is now 6 months old and sometimes I wonder whether I have not chosen a dog that is way too energetic for my age (70). This definitely is NOT a dog - it is a bulldozer. He is a darling but I have to do those tricks like not letting him out of a door before me and have to be very consequent with it. He sometimes barks like there is no tomorrow and yes, I love the site about Toto and do agree. Since New Years Eve I find him specially nervous even though I have done my best to distract him from the noise by playing with him. But at the moment I am at my wits end. Do you think he will ever calm down?? Even a little bit would be great!!
Also, it is about the time he can be neutered but I feel unsure because his testicles are still tiny. Can it be done anyway? That might also calm him down a little bit.
One other thing! Amoung other toys he has a small stuffed doggie he loves and plays with and tosses it in the air it that a "female" thing?
We are still going to the beach each day for at least an hour so there if ne lack of excersise, I think.

Henriette -

I get a chuckle out of Paco's antics as well !

Cairns will not normally calm down til about 18-24 months of age, so you have a while yet.  He can be neutered now (and should be) since his testicles have descended.  They can be done any time after they drop out of the body cavity, and many shelters here in the US neuter quite young.

The holidays can be quite nerve wracking for dogs, and I certainly hope that he calms for you as we enter the new year.  You may also want to consider some Rescue Remedy, which is an herbal remedy which helps many dogs (and people) when they are under stress.  It can be purchased online if it is not available to you in Portugal... and is made by Bach Flower Essences.

While you may not have access to the people who can help guide you hands on, there are a ton of wonderful books which can be purchased online.  If you are interested in that route, check out the Monks of New Skete or Jean Donaldson's books. They are both excellent.

Best wishes to you and Mr. Paco for 2008 !
