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2 male Bedlingtons

20 11:24:19

I am looking to purchase 2 Bedlington Terriers.  I'm wondering if 2 males will fight.  I had a female Bedlington who passed away recently, that on occasion, would fight with the Shepard we had (who was also female). The Shepard also passed away about a year ago, so that is why we are looking to get 2 puppies at the same time.

Hi Maria,
 I have had multiple males and females live together.  I do have the most problems with the females or bitches as they are so fondly referred to. :) The females don't back down and they are just THAT.......BITCHY. I have had bitch fights that were awful.  
 My only advice to you is to NOT get 2 puppies at the same time. Spread them out by even 6 months or so.  I have 3 intact (not neutered) males living together BUT they are all different ages.  3 years, 1 1/2 years and just 1 year old.  All of them get along fine.  The advantages also about getting them at different times are you KNOW who did a bad thing like chew somehing they shouldn't have.  You would feel really bad if you disciplined the wrong dog.
 Where do you live?  Who are you planning to get your puppies from?
 My personal email is
I currently don't have any puppies and don't expect any for quite a while, but I may be able to help you locate a healthy one.