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Yorkie being bad after 1st move

20 11:18:22

I have a 3 year old yorkie who is NOT neutered. 2days ago, I moved from iowa to california. Since we arrived at my friends parents house (who he has never met) he has been OBSESSED with their male, neutered, mut. He wont stop following him around the house, sniffing his butt, licking where the dog has sat, etc. The mut tries running from him, growling, and even snipping at him, but he wont quit. besides all this, hes panting, whining, barking, and being disobediant. he has also pooped and peed on theif carpet numerous times. He normally has a piddling problem but not this bad. He wont even go to the door anymore. He wont listen to us, sleep with us, or go to his bed which he normally does very well. We have tried everything! I dont even know this dog anymore! What could be his deal and a possible solution?

HI Nikki
Sounds like love to me!!!!!
The question is why is your pet yorkie intact???? He is way confused. First off; get him neutered. This is predictable behavior of this condition and one of the reasons to get an animal- yes animal- neutered. They have no self control like humans and unfortunately this will be the result of every every obsession he has. Fix it! For his sake and yours. He can not help himself. Once it happens it will most likely happen again.
Second get him a belly band to wrap around his midsection so that when he goes to mark his territory it won't be on your hosts furniture. I know you are sorry about it but if it was reversed I'm sure you would be upset after a day or two. Intact male urine smells even worse and is harder to rid the odor of than any other kind. This is absolutely normal as far as he is concerned and your problem to deal with.
Unless this is a show dog of breeding quality, there is no reason to make him suffer the pangs of unrequited love- even if same sex marriage is legal in Ca. :-)
That, is the deal.