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Cant get Wheatable to go IN the yard

20 11:22:36

We adopted a sweet natured 1-2 yr old, 33lb Wheatable Terrier girl.  She is totally housetrained and never has soiled in the house.  She also will not go at all in our yard!  She will hold it for absurd amounts of time til we take her for a walk out in the neighborhood.  How can we get her to go in her own yard?  We need her to learn to do this but I worry for her health at how long she will refuse to go! (like 24 hrs!)

She is considering the yard part of her home.  It may be very very hard to train her that pottying there is OK, but you are right that forcing the issue is not a good idea. Letting urine back up can easily cause kidney damage.

This may sound weird, but probably the best bet is to either have one of your family members potty in the yard in her presence, or save some and dribble it onto the ground in her presence.

This may work since the drive for dogs to do what's called "over peeing" is pretty darned strong, and it will also be giving her permission.

When she does go there, you are going to have to make it a big deal with lots of loving and very high value treats.  It's really the only way you may be able to overcome her prior training.

I really don't have any better suggestions.... but I guess this problem is a lot better one to have than the opposite !

Good luck
