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Yorkshire Terriers

20 11:27:08

I am thinking about buying one, have some concerns.  what should i ask of a breeder before buying?

Hi Mary
Ask if the parents have any health issues that would be genetic.
Temperment is number one for a pet for me as a breeder.
Get a good warranty on health for a replacement to be made by two years if anything genetic occurs.
See the parents and care of the dogs.
Ask how many they mostly have in a litter, the dam that is.
Ask about the size normally produced.
Visit the site and check things out, take a list of questions and ask them.
Do not pay more than the pup is worth, so many breeders are out to make money, not love of the Breed.  Talk to them and u can soon tell if its all about money and not care.  Ask how nice the coats are that are produced in their litters, any skin problems running in the genes. Good ears, teeth, etc.  Most all things are genetic, so ask and look.

Kind Regards