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About My German Shepherd

20 11:26:26

I have a 3yr old German Shepherd male. He has a very good temparament and very good with people. I always take him to petsmart and to the dog park for socialization. The question is, he might be to nice to other people that he might not protect my home and my family. I met this one guy at the park, he said that he trained rottwilers for protection and he has all of the hand sleeves and everything. But I don't want my dog to be savage and bite other people. But I think I am a very responsible owner and I love my dog as a member of my family. I am just concern that he might be too nice of a dog that he might not protect.

Hi Julis
Shepherds should be natural Protectors if they love and respect you and are well bred also?
Do not let this guy handle your dog or you will have a biting dog for sure with sleeves, etc.
This is totally unecessary, I would be thrilled this Shepherd is so friendly with all the law suits going on with dog bites.
All he should do is in the home is bark to let u know somebody is approaching, not jump or attack anybody or even be shy and timid to later get mean.   This is wonderful the dog has such a good temperment, he can be taught to bark when somebody comes.  go to and learn how to train him from the Monks of New Skete or order the book on my site on Favorite Links written by them.  Shepherds do all things bred into them if it is a well bred Shepherd?

Kind Regards