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territory marking?

20 11:21:52

We have a 23 month old Lakeland terrier cross. We have had Brody since he was 10 weeks old and we managed to get him housetrained very quickly. He has not been neutered. In the last week he has started to urinate in the house while we are out. The amount of urine is too small for me to believe that this is a bladder control problem. Could he be territory marking? Why would this start and what can we do to stop him.
Thank you very much - Ellie

OK - there are 2 things that may be going on.

First, he could have a urinary tract infection, and this should always be ruled out before assuming he has suddenly started marking in the house.

On the other hand, he might well have started marking.  The first thing that I recommend is having him neutered. Since he is not a purebred, it's not necessary for him to remain intact.  

If he is marking, I always recommend the use of a crate while you are not home.  If that does not work, or you just can't stand the idea of crating him, I recommend the use of belly bands - an item available at many pet supply stores like Petsmart.

I sure hope this points you in the right direction !
