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puupy HATES collar/halter

20 11:26:22

I dog sit for a neighbor's 2 Scotties. Lucy is wheaton Scotty, 1 yr and 9 months, Ricky is new baby brother, 4 months. I love these little characters like they were my own children and hate to see the new little guy get such an attitude when we try a collar and/or a halter so we can walk him with other buddies in the neighborhood. We have tried just leaving collar on for short time and then take it off,(mainly because he refuses to budge even without a leash hooked up). We decided at 4 mos we would get more serious and "firm" and tonight we put on new halter and he was extremely agitated.  He growled and snapped at us and we had terrible time just getting it back off! Is it too soon?
I hate that this is so traumatic for the little guy, but leash laws are leash laws! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I have Ricky more than his "Dad" and don't want to create more of a problem than we already have.
Thanx for helpinhg,

Hi Sharon,
 WOW.......This little guy has everyone on guard.  He has sure trained everyone on his terms.  4 Months old is way too young to have that much attitude.  
 If you haven't already started and you didn't state in your letter.....Crate him when you feed him.  Don't let him out when he whines, let him out when he is quiet.  Crate him at bedtime also and when you will be gone for short trips out.  I know this sounds like it doesn't relate to what you initially asked, but in the long run it will help you establish who is boss.  He is going to be WAY too Alpha if you let him and it may result in hurting a person or the other dog he lives with.  
 He has to get used to wearing his collar.  Get an adjustable flat collar with a snap buckle.  That way you don't spend time having to actually buckle it.  Put it on him and put him in the crate.  Leave him there for 30 mins.  Cover the crate with a towel to make it calmer for him.  This way he can get used to his collar in a more confined space and can't hurt himself or anyone else.  
 When its time to let him out open the door and just ignore him.  He will come out when he is ready.  DON'T take his collar off for a week.  Trust me he WILL get used to it.  If he is food motivated you can give him a SMALL little treat calling him to you.  Slip your hand under the collar, treat him and then release your hand.  Do this for a few days.  That way he gets used to you touching the collar.  
 Then attach a lead to the collar for a day or so letting him pull it around, then take it and call him to you  with a treat in hand he will come to you.  Always verbal praise is good.  
 Let me know how it goes.  Feel free to write again if you have anymore questions.  Just don't let this litte fireball be ALPHA.  Get with a GOOD trainer......NOT a PETco or PETSMART trainer.  Ask vets or a "mom & pop" pet store who they recommend as a trainer.  SOON! He is never too young to start.
 Good luck,