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manchester terrier mix with rat terrier puppy

20 11:18:20

I have a Manchester terrier and rat terrier mix puppy.(months old) she has this thing for constantly whining when I put her into her kennel,how can I train her how to stop? How can I train her how to use a litter box,instead of my floor? She is also constantly biting people how can I train her how to stop?

Months old??? How many? Of course she will whine till she gets it. You have to ignore it. Try putting a cover over the top making it more cave like and cozy. Put her toys in it. A soft radio next to it. leave it open and inviting when she does not HAVE to go into it. Make it her safe place not her punishment place.
As for litter box, these dogs have sensitive little feet. They do not like stepping on lumpy things. Use weewee pads. You can get frames to put them in and they stay in place and don't have edges for little teeth to shred that way. Usually a scent is applied to attract them.
Happy Holidays!