Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Is weening too early bad?

Is weening too early bad?

20 11:26:35

I am currently going to purchase a APBT, male pup.  He is only 4 wks. old.  If I get him within the next week and bottle feed him, nurture and love him as a mother would, do you think he will have any emotional, or physical problems in the long run?

hi shannon,

sorry for taking so long to answer but i was on holiday.
ok to answer your question the correct age is from 6-8 weeks and i personally prefer 8 weeks as the pup do learn a lot from the mother and taking it away at 4 weeks will result in the pup feeling insecure. it has been done before so if you really have to it should not result in any permanent problems.
have a lovely day now !