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high strung terriers

20 11:18:24

I have to write a 5 to 10 page paper as to why terriers are so high strung and can not find enough information. Please HELP.

Now THIS is an interesting question-
The first and for most reason is because they are so intelligent and need to be entertained. They get bored very easy and need a LOT of exercise and/or room to entertain themselves. They have a tremendous desire to please and are highly trainable -if the trainer is at the very least, as intelligent as the dog.
They were the first circus dogs, they were used to hunt fox and go to ground and kill vermin. They have a keen and unfailing desire to please and work.
Start looking up those attributes and you won't fall into the "inbred" trap crap that people try to pawn off when their dog does not conform to their standards or they are too lazy to give the dog the guidance it needs.
Try looking at the fact that the people who own these dogs aren't suitably matched - mentally or physically. Look at hy people are attracted to the breeds. What they expect of them? How much effort they put into being a terrier owner. I think you will find there lies the rub. A bored terrier is a destructive and nervous dog. One who is trained, exercised, and busy is a brilliant companion.
hope this helps!