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1 year old jack russell

20 11:18:06

My Jack Ruseell turned 1 year old 7/18/2015.She has been having allergies since she was appr. 6 monthes old. Aside from taking her to the vet and getting steroid injections we have started her on Revolution,fish oil,and dinovite.She is having absolutely no relief. My heart is breaking for her. I even do the oatmeal bath and now I found the MOM and applying it to her. I have wanted to try an antihistamine but am afraid. Please any advise you can give.I even put sweaters on her to take her out side because at first they thought the allergies may be grass/pollen.On a scale of 1-10 the 10 being the weost her average is 8
Please help

Sorry to hear this
Most commonly food and grass related allergies are impossible to control without a good allergist- your dog is young to have such problems.
I would ask the vet about Apoquel- Stop using oatmeal baths - all hype and advertising. Make sure to have skin scrape to determine if there are any mites on her.
Bathe her frequently, every 5-10 days with a very diluted antimicrobial shampoo- they can also be allergic to their own saliva. After chewing the saliva dries and itches cause a vicious lick and chew habit. Food can be the worst culprit- she's already allergic to grass, so  grain free.
It so hard to tell- she may grow out of it- the baths are the important part.
Make sure the supplements are also grain free- Revolution has side effects - you may need an elimination diet. Talk to your vet.
This is really a medical issue - have you spoken to your breeder? I see this often even in my own dogs- Wire Fox- and this is how we cope.
Apoquel is expensive, I better warn you.
Good luck