Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > temperment


20 11:26:31

Can you truly give detailed answers why this breed would be good for my small chilren?
This breed scares me for some reason.

TERRIERS as a generalization is not realistic.  Terriers are just a group.  Terra.......meaning earth.  Most of these dogs in this grouping do some kind of earth work.  Either they are flushers or they actually chase or retrieve vermin from the ground, above or below.  

There are different breeds within the terrier group.  I own and show Bedlington Terriers, Smooth Fox Terriers, and Miniature Schnauzers.  I have worked with and traveled with Irish Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Dandy Dinmont Terriers and Scottish Terriers.  

Having worked with all these different breeds I prefer some to others.  You didn't say how small your children are.  Assuming that they are toddlers I would say get a dog that is more laid back.  Bedlingtons, Dandies, Miniature schanuzers tend to lean towards that.

One great thing about terriers is that most if not all don't shed hair like the Lab or dog like that.

If you are still not sure......Get a Lab or Golden Retriever.  You still have to watch your children around ANY AND ALL dogs.  They are animals first and foremost and we must not forget that.  They have prey drive like any other animal does.  

Good luck.