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Can 2 female dogs live together

20 11:23:00

I currently have a 1 year old female yorkie named, Nicki.
My husband wants to get another dog, a mix from the pound
a female, looks like a chiuwawa terrier mix medium size
dog, do you think these two could live together? Should we
not? I do not want to get a male as they always lift the
leg in the house. The mix breed seems very quiet and clingy
and Nicki she is more independent, but likes being around us. Let me know your thoughts.

Hi Cristy, Many pounds do not socialize the dogs. Ask your local pound if they do any socialization with the dogs.  Ask if you can bring your Nicki to the pound to take them both out into a play area and see how they get along.  Males don't always lift their leg to mark territory and if they do, they can be taught not to do that.  You could get either a male or a female and it would not matter.  Two females will get along fine as long as you socialize them properly. You should not have any problems. Leave me some feedback and keep me posted on how it goes.  I do hope that your pounds will let you take the two for a little walk together so you can see how they get along prior to adoption. Thanks for writing. Regards, Susan