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red tears

20 11:23:57

Hi tammy,
I have a 10mnth old maltese terrier i just wanted to know if you have an answer to keeping the red stains(iron tears)from appearing under his eyes!ive tried wipeing it with baby wipes and bathing him twice a week but nothing seems to be working for me

Hi Becky,
 Sorry for the delayed answer.  I have gotten home late every night this week.  
 First off a Maltese is not a terrier.  Its classified as a toy dog.  They are not in the terrier family.  They were bred to sit on royalties laps and no way equiped to kill vermin in a tunnel.
 Second the eye staining is most times heretitary.  If not it may be a slight case of entropia which is the lashes growing into the eye.  That can be fixed by a simple surgery.  Only a vet can help you out there.  If it is heretitary then just keep it shaved and as dry as possible to keep the moisture from irritating it.  There is a product called Eye Envy and that will help with the staining, but once stopped it will reappear.  Its a daily process.
 Hope this helps......